Updates - 10/06/01
Done, Final, Finitio!!!!!!! The book is finally 100% complete. Art and Poetry and in my publishers hands. Everything has been agreed upon and we are moving along quite smoothly. The book is going to be completed and ready for print (the publisher has to put it all together in "book" form and that take time) by early December. Then we go into a printing. At that time you can pre-order a copy. The book should be available at Amazon.com and Barnes and noble by Mid December/Early January.
We have a new member to the team Nick Kuckel. Mr. Kuckel is with the publisher and has been an awesome asset to this publication! Nick Smo's artwork is finally all set in stone. I hope to have a piece on the web site relatively soon. Maybe even the cover, I have to talk to Steve to see what is possible there! I want to again thank Nick and Steve for their endless hours or work and listening to me. I am not sure which is more torture? The work or me!
The best news of the month is Sean Berk and I have been asked to run an open mic poetry night at a local coffee house. We have dubbed the night "Flavor In Your Ear." Yes, it is after the old song, those old enough to remember. This will be a night to explore Free Verse, Slam, Gothic, and everything in-between. October 23, 730 at Vincent's Coffee house in northeast Philly. I hope to see some of you there. I will send another email to those close to Philly as the time comes closer!
I haven't spoken to the gentlemen up at Whispers in a while, but I know they are close to releasing their new magazine. So look for it at local distribution centers. They have been busy getting engaged up there! Congrats! Too much love going around...lol
A few years ago, I was suckered into this whole National Library of Congress thing. Anyway, the only redeeming value of this is that they finally posted the piece on their web site. This piece will be in the book. if your interested, click here. DO NOT BELIEVE THE SCAM THESE GUYS PULL. I know first hand.
On the web site, I have a new piece. It is dedicated to the people who died on 9/11/01. It is in a popup. Check it out if you get time!
I beg every month, so allow me to get on my knees. If you know anyone interested in my style of writing, PLEASE forward them the address to the site. Grassroots publicity is worth a million business cards and random emails.
Thanks for your continued support.
You all make this project worth fighting for and this life worth living.
ps- happy birthday to me 10/17