Updates - 07/22/01
As has been documented repeatedly in updates and on the site, our deadline to have the book complete was 7/15/01. This date was not reached. A close friend from a few years ago passed on and the book took the back burner for a couple of days which sent us off schedule. We are still on pace to be out by 11/17/01. The last week or so 24 hours of my day have revolved around the book. Sleep is optional right now for me. If I have to handwrite copies, we will be out on the date promised!
As I mentioned, I lost a close friend from my high school years recently. He overdosed on heroin after coming out of rehab. Since I have the floor here let me get on my soap box. Please if any of you are into this scene, get the help needed. Brian was an amazing person with the energy to light a room, hell even a city. He lost, you will too. It's just not worth it, to kill yourself and leave the living with voids and what ifs.
Pick up the spirits here, Nick and I have completed the raw pictures for the book. Now Nick has a few days to put everything together. There is only one person in this entire world who could do it. He is Nick and he is on my team. God bless this kid because he has put in some massive hours and has awesome work to show for it. Thanks to the models who helped us recently. Mike, Christa, Kristy, Chuck and Sean---stay gold.
Dark Angel's magazine Whispers will be featuring some of my newer work in their first circulated publication. Sean Berk also will appear in the mag. It will be available in various locations in Philly, California, Michigan and Louisiana. These guys are doing amazing things with that magazine. I am proud to work with them. If you want to check out a new piece "Solid" check out their web site here.
Reeny, Kulture and their publicity team might have a few tricks up their sleeve in the future.
Sean and I will be performing up at the point on 7/30. I will be performing my newest piece "Hey Brian" which is obviously about losing one of my good friends from High School to drugs and saying good-bye. The early opinions on this piece are strong. This may be one of the best pieces I have ever written because I lay everything on the line. The Point is in Bryn Mawr, PA so if you are interested in attending, please email for directions. Last month, the D.C. Slammasters were there and it was such an awesome experience to see some of the best slammers in the world.
Speaking of Sean, he is getting married in a few days! Congrats to my buddy whom found what we all seek---love.
You and T.T. deserve happiness and it seems as though you found it. God Bless
A quick shameless plug for a good friend...if you are interested in tattoo art, checkout his website on our 'Links' page.
Brian Donovan does all my body art, he is amazing, as you can see by this work!
If you haven't told your friends about this site, please, do so. We are a total grassroots publicity system here.
I love all of you who have helped on the publicity team.
Word of mouth is worth a million business cards and random emails.
Check back to the web site on 8/3 under updates - I will tell you whether we made our deadline or not!
BE Safe, Spread the word on Question of... and If you need help with things you lost control of, get help
Shawn Simmons