the ISBN number is 1-4010-3604-x for paperback
The Isbn number is 1-4010-3605-8 for hardback
You can purchase the book there. Without a doubt, there will be a release party scheduled in late February or early March. My next update WILL include details of this show. People INSIDE Philadelphia, please do not purchase the book on Xlibris. I will have ample copies at the release party and would like you to wait, so we can celebrate together!
I received a silly question from a friend out there, so let me answer it. IF you want myself or Nick (the artist) to sign the book, please email me and we will make arrangements via postal mail.
Along the same lines, Sean Berk and I will be hosting ANOTHER Flavor in Your Ear at Club HP on Tuesday 1/29/02. We will be featuring Six of the top rising poets in Philadelphia. Jenn Poetess, Mary Neid, Brian Turner and Christy Ridgey will join myself and Sean on stage. It is going to be an awesome time and I HIGHLY suggest anyone who is in the area of Philly and can attend, do it. The admission is FREE!
As for the future, I am currently working with Kimmika Witherspoon Williams. For those who are unfamiliar with her, she is one of the most prolific slam artist/performance poet or our generation. She has performed with people such as Maya Angelou, Saul Williams and anyone who is anyone in poetry. I truly believe that Kimmika will have a profound effect on my poetry and performances. If she tours in your area, please go see her. She is simply AMAZING.
The first time I saw the book in my hands was about a week ago. I sat there with a copy in my hand and I couldn't move. Sincerely, I was just in absolute shock, as if someone had just shot me. I am still in shock, the fact that my entire life's dream is in the process of being complete. MY happiness and shock was not selfish. it was not happiness and shock of being overwhelmed with "I accomplished this." The happiness sincerely was "We did this, together with all the people who worked so hard to help me realize this dream. The hundreds of people on this email list who genuinely care about my writing career and the status of this book." I am proud of my accomplishment, because I rose above a lot of sh*t. I am more proud of the fact that I found you all, and have you all to share this happiness with. Thank you for your support as a writer, and as friends.
Don't Look Back at 4 in the morning, All You see is Black.
Shawn Simmons